...and a mouse. I decided it was high time I started my blog. With this, my latest WIP. I made the bunny for my big girl, who named her Petal. The pattern is from Issue 2 of Simply Crochet magazine (here), and it is fun and easy and quick, the best kind of crochet! And now my little girl wants her own crocheted softie, but has requested a mouse.
I haven’t been able to find a crochet pattern for a mouse that I think is as cute as the bunny, so I’ve decided to use the bunny pattern and just adjust the ears and tail to make a mouse. Watch this space. I hope it doesn’t end up looking like a rat...
So what else do I have WIPping around the house, you ask? Well, have a look-see:
I do like my linen, and I promise to give details on where I found all these lovely patterns, in time
I’m learning to sew, too, and freestyle machine embroidery, more on that soon
And, of course, more hooky love!
What do you think? We have lots to chat about, don’t we?
Do keep in touch, there will be some ta-dah moments in the near future!
Celebrate Spring and Easter tomorrow, no matter the weather!
Happy crafting,
Chrissie x